The Training For Warriors Dojo has played a crucial role in my development as a coach and as a person. The lessons and content provided doesn’t just go over physical training, but the life lessons and stories offer people the ability to think different and act differently to succeed in whatever field they work in. A++ for my personal and professional development!!
Reid Peterson
The Training for Warriors Dojo is the best kept secret in our system. It provides relevant content on coaching philosophy, warm ups, primary lifts, marketing\promotions and business strategy. Hands down a valuable part of developing my coaches and growing my business.
Brian Waldo

The dojo provides more than just knowledge about Training for Warriors, but training in general and coaching. Before having access to the dojo, I had been coaching and training individuals for around 7-8 years. I knew a lot, but with all of Martin’s content on Sprinting, jumping, landing, etc. It took my coaching to the next level.
Next level in terms of: Injury rates are almost non-existent, students get great results month after month, my mind has been expanded on what coaching and training really is. We have been running our dojo since October 2016. We started with around 15 students, and we are now at 40, with cross-hairs set on 80 by the end of 2017. None of that could have been accomplished without the marketing knowledge we have gained from the Business Division portion of the dojo, and all the content on the affiliate side of the dojo which includes in depth information on how to run a successful 8 week challenge, charity event, TFW practice and much, much more. The information in the dojo teaches you the core values, and concepts of how to be successful as a TFW coach.
Jeff Hand

You could hit up every book store in your state, rack up thousands of dollars on Amazon, spend the rest of your life at your local library….or you could just subscribe to the Dojo. There is enough training knowledge to keep you busy for years. Motivation, training, workout programming. It’s all there. Videos breaking down different uses for implements, dissecting exercises, and webinars about mindset. Do I really need to go on? : )
Bobby Zuniga
As a Training for Warriors affiliate, I couldn’t live without the TFW Dojo. It is jam packed with technical advice, business advice and an abundance of motivation through training videos and webinars. Whenever I have a query or want to clarify a technique or a part of the programme I just search for what I am looking for and I always find the answer. An amazing fitness and motivational tool. Martin Rooney really does know what he is talking about.
Theresa Quinn

Joining the Training For Warriors Dojo has been one of the best decisions I have made since joining the fitness industry. I was always searching for more in terms of continuing education, from seminars, to websites, to the latest fitness books. All of these things were helpful but I still felt like something was missing. The content in the Dojo has been incredible from a motivational and educational standpoint and was exactly what I was looking for. My knowledge has grown as a coach and my public speaking has improved significantly as well. Simply put if you are searching for more on how to become a better coach, speaker, or entrepreneur than look no further than the TFW Dojo!
Phil Squatrito